Understanding Bulge Control Rivets

There are many instances where one might need to use blind rivets for fastening. In the past, there was a limited number of rivet types that one could use, which means that the decision on which ones to get was fairly easy to make. However, the advancements in manufacturing of such rivets means that today, […]

There are many instances where one might need to use blind rivets for fastening. In the past, there was a limited number of rivet types that one could use, which means that the decision on which ones to get was fairly easy to make. However, the advancements in manufacturing of such rivets means that today, you have more options regarding the same.

For instance, there are times when you might want to use blind rivets in such a manner that bulge control will be achieved. Some of the instances where this is necessary include:

  • When you are fastening brittle materials
  • When fastening rivets in irregular holes
  • When clamping materials to reduce vibration
  • When you have restrictions in lateral space

In these cases and more, using bulge control rivets is indicated. There are several types you can use depending on the specific application you have including:
Bulge Control Rivets

Controlled blind rivets

Controlled blind rivets are designed in such a manner that you can modify their use depending on where you think the bulge will form when fastening the material. They are ideal when you can determine with a high degree of accuracy how this will happen. In this regard, they are usually much easier to use compared to standard fasteners.


Micro rivets

Micro bulge control rivets are usually smaller than average in size. For this reason, they are preferred in instances where you want to achieve bulge control but have very little space to work with. Some of the rivets need just 8mm of space to work with. Compared to standard size aluminum hex tap bolts or Inconel hex lag bolts, these types of rivets are ideal for when you want to achieve a neat fastening job that will last long and prevent bulging.

High strength rivets

These types of bulge control rivets are designed using materials that are very strong, such as alloys. One can also get other qualities such as having low weight and increased resistance to corrosion by specifying the types of materials used to make the rivets. Either way, they are ideal for use in situations where the rivets are likely to be subjected to high forces. Some tend to be more expensive than usual, but also more worth it.


This is one of the most flexible solutions when it comes to bulge control rivets. They are designed in such a manner that they can be used to fasten thicknesses ranging anywhere from 1mm to 8mm. This makes it unlikely that you will be less likely to use the incorrect product. In addition to that, the fact that the same rivet can be used to fasten varying thicknesses of material means that they are ideal for fastening materials with unknown thicknesses.
In summary, there are numerous benefits of using bulge control rivets when you need to increase practicality and safety during the process of fastening. The above are some of the types of bulge control rivets you can use and the indications for which they need to be used. Consult your fastener vendor for more information about each of them.

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