BIG KAISER’s Burley Pens Article on Micromachining for Trade Publication

BIG KAISER’s Burley Pens Article on Micromachining for Trade Publication

While more and more shops begin performing micromachining, cut specifications get smaller and smaller. This presents a challenge for companies trying to compete in the world of uber-small chip making with older machinery that’s not built specifically to meet the demands of modern customers. For many shops, investing in this expensive, specialized machinery to stay competitive and secure this type of work is not an option. Luckily, there’s an alternative and our VP of sales and engineering, Jack Burley, writes about it in our latest Depth of Cut column for Fabricating & Metalworking magazine.

In the article, “Fulfilling Modern Micromachining Demands on a Legacy Machine,” Jack explains how spindle speeders can be a great alternative for shops trying to stay in, or enter, the micromachining business. He writes, “If a shop can’t or doesn’t want to invest in a very expensive specialized machine tool, a spindle speeder may be their best—and only—way to secure the deal.”

Speeders, like our RBX12 Air Power Spindle, are capable of multiplying rotation to rates in excess of 100,000 RPM. But, there other crucial factors to take into account when selecting the right speeder. In the article, Jack examines four of the most important. Specifically, he recommends a solid understanding of how torque changes at high speeds, collet clamping force, air-powered spindles and automatic tool change.

Read the full article now for more advice on spindle speeders in micromachining and selecting the right one.

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