Flat Washer vs Split Lock Washer – What's the Difference

Flat Washer vs Split Lock Washer – What’s the Difference

Flat Washer vs Split Lock WasherFlat Washer vs Split Lock Washer

When fastening something securely, washers play a very important role. A washer distributes a fastener’s weight and prevents it from damaging the surrounding material. Regarding washers, two of the most commonly used ones are the flat washer and the split lock washer. While they may look similar, these washers serve very different purposes. This blog post will discuss the differences between flat and split lock washers and help you choose the right one for your project.

What is Flat Washers?

A flat washer is a thin metal ring often used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener such as a bolt or a nut. They are typically circular and have a hole in the middle that is slightly larger than the diameter of the fastener. Flat washers are the most common type of washer and are used in a wide variety of applications. They are ideal when the joint is being held together by the friction between the nut and the joint surface, and the washer is used to evenly distribute the load.

What is Split Lock Washers?

Split lock washers are also known as spring washers and are more resistant to loosening than flat washers. They are made of slightly thicker metal and have a split in the middle, which creates a spring-like effect. As the joint is tightened, the split lock washer compresses and exerts a force against the nut or bolt head. This force helps to keep the nut or bolt from coming loose due to vibration or other external forces. Split lock washers are ideal for applications where the fastener is likely to be subjected to vibration or where the joint is prone to working loose over time.

Difference Between Flat Washer and Split Lock Washer

Choosing the Right Washer

Choosing the right washer for your project is important to secure the joint. A flat washer is the best option if the joint is being held together by friction alone. However, a split lock washer is better if the joint is likely subjected to vibration or other external forces. It is important to note that split lock washers should not be used in applications where the joint is being held at a predetermined tension, as they can reduce the tension and cause the joint to come loose.

Other Types of Washers

While flat washers and split lock washers are the most commonly used washers, there are other types of washers available that are designed for specific applications. For example, Belleville washers are conical in shape and are used for applications requiring a high spring force. Wave washers are similar to Belleville washers but are flat and have a wave-like shape. They are used in applications where a small deflection is required to maintain tension in the joint.


In conclusion, washers may seem simple, but they play a critical role in any fastening application. Choosing the right washer is essential to ensure that the joint is held securely, and the right choice will depend on the specific application. Flat washers are ideal when the joint is held together by friction alone. In contrast, split lock washers are better suited for applications where the joint is subjected to vibration or other external forces. Choosing the right washer for your project is important, and the experts at your local hardware store can help you select the right washer for your specific application.

Bhavesh Yadav

Meet Bhavesh, a seasoned blogger with a wealth of knowledge and experience. From metal products manufacturing to retail, Bhavesh has a diverse background in various industries and is dedicated to sharing his insights and expertise with readers.

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