Parking Sensors: What they are and how they work

Parking sensors are excellent aids to help you park anywhere. In this article, we’ll explain how sensors work, the components that make them up, and some problems that may arise in these systems.

Keep reading!


What are parking sensors?

Parking sensors are devices installed in a car’s rear and front bumpers, alerting drivers as to how much space they have around their vehicles when parking.


What are parking sensors used for?

Parking sensors warn drivers of how close they are to obstacles in front of and behind their vehicles.

The system emits sound and light signals more or less frequently, depending on how close the vehicle comes to obstacles.

This innovation in modern cars helps drivers park anywhere, ensuring they are well aware of their surroundings.



Which types of parking sensors are there?

There are currently two types of parking sensors on the market: ultrasonic sensors and radar sensors.

Both systems work in a similar way, emitting waves that bounce off objects. Keep reading to find out the main characteristics of each one.


  • Radar sensors

Radar sensors are more discreet as they are mounted inside car bumpers.

These types of sensors have reliable reaction times and aren’t affected by any type of interference, though they may produce errors if rainwater runs over the bumper.


  • Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensors are usually mounted in pairs (in twos, fours, or sixes).

The more sensors are installed, the more accurate the measurements taken. However, these sensors may undergo interference from hammers or pneumatic brakes, therefore giving drivers incorrect information.


Which components make up parking sensors?

  • Parking sensors in bumpers;
  • Parking sensor module;
  • Beeper or buzzer;
  • Button to disable the parking sensor on the dashboard.


How do parking sensors work?

Parking produces sound pulses. When these pulses ricochet back to the sensor, it detects the time taken to reach the object and bounce back, going on to calculate the distance of that specific object.


Which problems might you have with your parking sensors?

  • Sensor damage;
  • Parking sensor module errors;
  • Parking sensor fuse blown;
  • Faulty connections in sensor wires.


What care should you take with parking sensors?

  • Periodically clean surfaces using a clean, moistened cloth to remove accumulated debris;
  • Do not paint the car surface that contains sensors.


How much does a parking sensor cost?

Prices for parking sensor kits start at 30 euros but can go all the way up to 200 euros.

However, these values vary depending on car models and types of sensors.


Where can you install parking sensors?

Parking sensors can be installed in a mechanic approved garage or by a reliable mechanic.


How much does it cost to install a parking sensor?

The price of installing parking sensors varies depending on the type of vehicle, starting from 50 euros depending on labour costs. However, these prices will increase depending on the complexity of installing the parking sensor in the vehicle.

Now that you know how parking sensors work and how to install a parking sensor kit in your car, you can order the device from an approved dealer.

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