Awesome Woodworking Videos From All Over The Web

On this page I’m going to be sharing videos from all over the web, all over the world.

These videos will be nothing short of amazing, and as I find more over time I’ll add them to the page.

If you find any videos you think are worthy of this page, please send me a message here and a link to the video, and I’ll consider adding it.

For now, I’ve really only got this one I want to share, but I will add more soon.

Back-Scratching Beer-Dispensing Wooden Chairs

In this video the woodworker has crazy ideas and acts on them.

He uses a drill to power them, and builds custom gears, ice compartments, wooden hands, control levers, and all kinds of clever wooden gadgetry to make is inventions come to life.

I guess it takes a little innovation, but you really can build just about anything out of wood.

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