The wire balloon is, like all of the best inventions, a simple design that successfully addresses a common issue. This issue is the nesting of birds in chimneys, a problem that can lead to structural damage and could cause health problems or even fatalities within a property.

A chimney, with its warm, dark interior, represents a piece of prime real estate to many birds, especially jackdaws but also to magpies, crows, pigeons and others. The larger the bird, the bigger the nest it will create and the worse the blockage will be. Bits of debris that fall down can pose a fire risk and even a partially-blocked chimney can cause a serious, sometimes fatal, buildup of carbon monoxide in a building.

Removing the nest may solve the immediate problem but doesn’t prevent it from recurring. A wire balloon, made from tough, corrosion-resistant galvanised steel, is the solution. A selection of sizes is available and installation couldn’t be easier; simply bend the balloon to the right shape, put it into place and you’re done! As well as protecting chimneys, wire balloons are also useful to prevent downpipes and gutters from becoming blocked, which can lead to property damage.

The galvanised wire balloons supplied by BS Fixings are designed and manufactured by Bluebird Fixings, one of the small group companies that we trust and work with. For more information, check out the product page or get in touch with our skilled technical team.