Cooling Industrial Cameras Nex Flow

Cooling Industrial Cameras Nex Flow

Industrial cameras that are in very hot environments can be cooled by several means

  • pure compressed air
  • water
  • peltier coolers
  • vortex tubes

Pure compressed air can add up to a large running cost due to the cost of compressed air, especially sine the air is going to a hot area, and the compressed air itself may be warm.

Water cools better than compressed air but it has its share of costs due to the flow though relatively small lines, heating up to high temperature and producing scale problems, risking shut down and downtime.

Peltier coolers may be find for computer CPU’s but may lack the necessary cooking power for an industrial application.

This leaves vortex tubes as a reliable option – they can produce the necessary cooling effect, no scaling problems to be concerned about, and because vortex tubes produce cold air from regular compressed air (even a warm air supply), they use far less energy than compressed air by itself.

Cooling Industrial Cameras Nex Flow

The important consideration is to assure the compressed air is clean – that adequate filtration removed any water and oil and dirt particulate. As long as the air is kept clean, you can have years of relatively maintenance free and trouble free cooling of your industrial cameras.

Nex Flow Air Products Corp. manufactures specialize compressed air technology for cooling, moving, drying, cleaning and blow off and also offers unique filtering technology for compressed air systems that have problems with moisture in their air lines.


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