Fastener Information That A Quantity Surveyor Might Need

When engaging in building construction, one of the professionals that you will definitely need to work with is a quantity surveyor. As their title might suggest, a quantity surveyor is an individual who attempts to figure out how much of each material needed to construct a building will be used. In addition to that, they […]

When engaging in building construction, one of the professionals that you will definitely need to work with is a quantity surveyor. As their title might suggest, a quantity surveyor is an individual who attempts to figure out how much of each material needed to construct a building will be used. In addition to that, they also play a vital role in assessing each stage of the construction to make sure that the correct amount of material has been used at each stage. They are therefore important during the planning phase to help you figure out how much material to budget for, and during the construction phase to ensure that this budget is stuck to.
For instance, it is a known fact that in order to do construction, you will need to use lots of fasteners to keep the different parts of the home together. The quantity surveyor will figure out the quantity of fasteners to be used during the entire project, and will also give you an idea of how much it will cost to use them. However, for this to work effectively, some of the fastener information you will need to supply to them includes:

The quality of work you need done

How much quality do you need to achieve after the construction? Are you comfortable with everything will simply be put together, or do you want it to be long lasting as well? If you want the most out of quality and longevity, you will need higher quantities of fasteners such as grade 2 steel hex nuts and aluminum socket head cap screws to achieve this. You therefore need to tell your quantity surveyor of how much quality you expect, so that they can come up with the correct numbers regarding fastener use.

Any special requirements you might have

Quantity surveyor asking for info on fastener use
During construction, you may also have special requirements that will influence the number of fasteners you need. For instance, if you are going to do the construction in a particularly crime-prone part of the city, you might want to upgrade the security features of the house right from the start. Installing doors and windows that are resistant to forced entry often requires extra fasteners, and will usually need high quality strong fasteners as well. If you have any such needs, you will need to give this information to the quantity surveyor as well.


The size of the house

One of the most basic elements that will determine how many fasteners you will use is the size of the house. The larger the house, the more fasteners you will use since you will have more fittings, doors and other items that will need to be fastened.
What is apparent is that for the quantity surveyor to be any good, you will need to supply them with accurate information regarding each aspect of construction. This way, the information they give you will also be as accurate as possible, and this in turn means that you can rely on it for planning as well.

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