Neoprene Washers Combine With Stainless Steel For a Leak Free Solution

Leaks are a serious problem that can result in vast amounts of damage and expense. Plumbers and mechanical engineers are always concerned with preventing this condition and are often engaged in battles to stop leaks and prevent them from reoccurring. That’s where neoprene washers come into play. These washers as well as Tek Screws, Marine […]

Leaks are a serious problem that can result in vast amounts of damage and expense. Plumbers and mechanical engineers are always concerned with preventing this condition and are often engaged in battles to stop leaks and prevent them from reoccurring. That’s where neoprene washers come into play. These washers as well as Tek Screws, Marine Fasteners and Line Fasteners can be found at a Fastener Distributor.
Combined with the strength and durability of stainless steel fasteners, neoprene or rubber washers are effective solutions that provide a reliable and leak free fit in many different circumstances.
But how?
What Is Neoprene?
Initially introduced by DuPont back in the 1930’s, neoprene is actually a trade name for polychloroprene. This rubber compound is synthesized, has impressive chemical stability and is durable even in extreme temperatures.
You may recognize neoprene for its common use in swimsuits and various household items such as expandable lunch pails, electronic gadget sleeves and in remote controls. It is a versatile substance. But plumbing and industrial applications really allow this compound a chance to shine.
The Star Couple
Stainless steel fasteners are the top choice for use in marine environments and with household and industrial plumbing. With matchless corrosion resistance and strength, stainless steel is well worth the larger initial investment. But on its own, stainless does not provide the leak protection and seal necessary for many different plumbing applications.
That’s where neoprene washers come in.
Stretchy and stable at the same time, neoprene is ideal for use with a washer. It can withstand high levels of compression without shattering or becoming destabilized. Even when squeezed into tight spaces this substance will maintain a barrier against the passage of moisture.
It is resistant to mold and is not prone to corrosion or other means of breakdown common to these wet conditions. That makes it an ideal companion to stainless steel fasteners, providing the moisture barrier required with matching levels of durability and reliability.
Plumbers and designers alike recognize the benefits and advantages of pairing neoprene washers with stainless steel fasteners. To fasten plumbing fixtures, secure pipes and ensure connections that will last, these two materials are well matched and a wise inclusion in your project.

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