Spray and Air Nozzles Reasons to use them

This of course is my educated opinion only but I think it is reasonable. When you buy a new home from a builder, would you buy the furniture from the same builder? In fact people do in some cases get furniture with a new home but the home builder does not make the furniture. That is because the home builder is an expert in making homes – the furniture an expert in making furniture.

Similarly in industry, when a production line needs to “get something wet” and then “dry”, a spray nozzle manufacturer will be an expert in spray nozzles while a compressed air nozzle manufacture (used to dry) is an expert in air nozzles. They are very different technologies with a very different focus and thinking behind their use. Many spray nozzle manufacturers have come out with air nozzles which are usually knock-offs of other manufacturers and in many cases not very good ones. That is because compressed air is a totally different technology. The air nozzles may be less energy efficient and certainly have a much smaller range of choices, so a less than optimum solution is obtained. Similarly, some compressed air nozzle manufacturers have come up with spray nozzles with the same contraints. They have a smaller range of choices possibly leading to a less than optimum solution and again, with a different background and knowledge in their application and product development.

No one can be an expert in everything. There are good distributors in the market place that can supply both technologies who offer spray nozzles of one make and air nozzles of another, giving a wider choice and the better chance of a more productive and energy efficient solution.

Sometimes it is wise to shop around, whether for your home, or for your factory.

Nex Flow Air Products specializes in the manufacturer of compressed air products for blow off, cooling and moving.

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