Spring Loaded Casters 101

Many of our customers often ask if spring loaded casters are the right fit for their application. We put together this quick guide to help! Bryce Anderson of Garland’s Inc. Material Handling Products is here to help you understand more about the benefits and applications of these spring-loaded casters.

What are Spring-Loaded Casters?

Spring-loaded casters, also referred to as shock-absorbing casters, are designed to absorb shocks and minimize the amount of impact to your cart and equipment. Reducing the impact to your equipment results in smoother movement, reduced risk of damage, and less noise while in motion.

Best Spring-Loaded Casters Applications

Shock absorbing casters are ideal for applications where surfaces are uneven, where the flooring has been damaged, or where the ground is covered with debris. Spring-loaded casters are also a great fit for applications where the load may be highly fragile or reactive to vibration, such as small parts or glass. The increased protection of the product is a major highlight to focus on when considering spring-loaded casters.

Designing the Right Spring-Loaded Casters

In order to fully achieve the benefits that spring-loaded casters provide, it’s important to ensure that you have the right springs installed on the casters. Having the proper springs will allow the caster to achieve optimal spring deflection, which is what is required to see the benefits of a spring-loaded caster. There is a science to determining the proper deflection, and our team of caster experts and engineers will gladly assist you in this matter.

Using the wrong springs or the wrong shock-absorbing caster can actually do more harm than good when trying to protect your equipment. If the spring constant is too high, it could essentially be the same as not having a spring at all. If the spring constant is too low, it could extend the impact of the shock and continue to vibrate excessively.

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