The Key to Eliminating Pullout

The Key to Eliminating Pullout

Introducing the new Mega Perfect Grip milling chuck

Pullout is a major issue facing manufacturers using milling chucks, especially when machining heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA) like titanium or inconel. BIG Kaiser offers a new solution with the Mega Perfect Grip milling chuck, a highly accurate milling tool holder with fully concentric clamping and runout less than .0004″ at 4xø.

Alan Miller, engineering manager at BIG Kaiser, explains the product’s development.

“We took the existing standard of Weldon flats for end mills and ensured our high-performance milling chucks are now compatible with it,” Miller says. “The Mega Perfect Grip milling chuck product line accepts all industry standard Weldon flat milling cutters.”

With the new Mega Perfect Grip, a special keeper key is positioned into the Weldon flat of the end mill. The new milling chucks have three axial grooves that accept the keeper key. The cutter—with the key—is inserted into the bore of the milling chuck. Once the cutter and key are inserted deep enough, operators must twist the cutter 20 degrees clockwise, which places the key against a hardened pin and into a stop groove of the milling chuck. A spring functions to remove the gap between the key grip and the wall of the groove before the clamping nut is tightened in order to eliminate space for the cutter to be pulled. This unique lock mechanism prevents the slip and pullout of the tool during heavy cutting.

Final tightening of the clamping nut closes the milling chuck, making it impossible for the cutter to pull out. Tightening the nut using our Mega Wrench achieves dual contact between the nut and body for rigidity close to that of an integral cutter.

For efficient removal of chips, high-pressure and high-volume jet-through coolant is a standard feature of the Mega Perfect Grip. The key grip grooves provide channels for high volume coolant to get to the cutter.

The Mega Perfect Grip milling chucks combine the cutting performance of heavy-duty milling chucks with the security against pullout of solid side lock tool holders. For more information on the Mega Perfect Grip milling chuck, watch the video or browse the product brochure below.

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