What’s So Super About EXAIR’s Super Air Wipe?

When you’re blowing something off with compressed air, one of the first things you want to consider is the size, and shape, of the air flow that’s going to be needed to get the job done. If you’re blowing off individual small parts, we’ve got a variety of Super Air Nozzles that will do the job quietly and efficiently. If it’s a flat plate, sheet, or film, the laminar flow from a Super Air Knife is particularly conducive to creating a stripping/sweeping flow of air, ideal from blowing moisture or debris from flat surfaces.

Let’s say you need to blow off an object from all sides…like a length of hose, tube or pipe, or even an extruded shape. You could position an array of Air Nozzles, Air Knives, or Air Amplifiers around it (there ARE times when that makes sense, but that’s a subject for another day)…or, you could pass it through an Air Wipe.

EXAIR Air Wipe products come in a range of sizes – 3/8″ to 11″ – all of which have a split design, which unlatches easily to eliminate the hassle of having to thread the product through them. Air Wipes up to the 4″ size come with a hose assembly that connects the two halves, so you just need to run one air line to them. If you want to make gross adjustments to the flow & force generated, we offer additional shims, which are easily installed to put the Air Wipe into a whole new range of performance.

These also come in two types: Super, and Standard, Air Wipes. Size for size, performance & dimensions are identical. The difference is all about the materials of construction and temperature ratings. Which one we specify will largely come down to the nature of the environment in which they’ll be installed. In the absence of high heat, or corrosive elements in the environment, the Standard Air Wipe is my recommendation all day, every day. If you need something that’ll stand up to a bit more aggressive conditions, the Super Air Wipes are certainly worth a look.

Additionally, the Super Air Wipes can be fitted with emitter points for static elimination…we call those Super Ion Air Wipes, and they come in 2″ and 4″ sizes.

360° blow off AND fast, efficient static dissipation: EXAIR Super Ion Air Wipe.

EXAIR Intelligent Compressed Air Products are the best choice for quiet, safe, and efficient use of your compressed air. If you’ve got a blow off application you’d like to discuss, give me a call.

Russ Bowman, CCASS

Application Engineer
EXAIR Corporation
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