Quality Practices You Should Implement When Using Fasteners

Whenever you are interested in using fasteners for large or small scale applications, it’s always wise to ensure that you use the best you can get for that particular application. This basically means that you should incorporate quality practices in any decision making process you involve yourself in when in this position. This does a […]

Whenever you are interested in using fasteners for large or small scale applications, it’s always wise to ensure that you use the best you can get for that particular application. This basically means that you should incorporate quality practices in any decision making process you involve yourself in when in this position. This does a lot more than simply reducing the rate of failure of the fasteners you use. It will also have an influence on the overall quality of the product you are putting together, and may even make it more pleasant to use. When deciding on using fasteners such as an Inconel hex tap bolt or a monel 500 hex head cap screw, some of the quality practices you might need to keep in mind include:

Account for the expected longevity of the item you are putting together
When you are fastening an item and have to decide on which fastener to use for it, you need to take into account the expected longevity of the item in question. For instance, if you are designing electronics that are likely to be used for only a few days or weeks, there would be no point in investing in high quality fasteners that are likely to last much longer than this unless they are particularly needed in this scenario.

The finish requirements
There are many times when the fasteners will need to be finished before being used. For instance, you might want them to be painted in a particular fashion, or to be treated so as to confer a particular quality to them. Some of the specific issues you need to keep in mind when deciding this include the risk of corrosion to the fasteners, as well as the required fastener strength. The temperature that the fasteners will be exposed to will also weigh in heavily in how the fasteners are used and treated.
An assessment of associated risk
One of the most important things you can do as far as quality is concerned is making sure that you assess the risk profile of the item you are putting together, and then factor this in when choosing a fastener. For instance, if you are going to use the fastener to install a plane engine, any failure would be catastrophic. For this reason, you would need to use a fastener that can perform well past the performance envelope that is required for the part. For instance, it should be able to withstand temperature much higher than it will be exposed to during its service.
There are many other issues to do with quality you need to figure out when buying the fasteners, and these are usually specific to the type of fastening you want to do. The best way to carry out quality assurance during this process is by consulting a high quality fastener vendor, who can assess all your needs and then suggest the best fastener types to fulfill them. This is often the most cost effective way of determining which fasteners to get.

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